Why We Need an Industry Lens on AI Productivity Paid Members Public
In their 1982 track Industrial Disease, rock band Dire Straits sang about the productivity decline of the British industrial sector and its socioeconomic impact. While the global economy is currently faring better, there are some important questions we should be asking when it comes to productivity. Whether on a personal,

AI Is Fuelling Riots, But It Can Also Help Mitigate Them Paid Members Public
This last week the UK has been rocked by violent riots, spurred by racist rumours propagated through social media algorithms and group messaging. While the causes are different this time round, there are echoes of the 2011 London riots. Back then I lived in North London, and what I saw

A Leader's Guide to Navigating Generative AI Paid Members Public
Are you a technologist? A marketer? An executive? An analyst? Whatever your title, chances are you have a role to play in the adoption of generative AI (GenAI) in your organisation, given the democratised nature of the technology. Bias and trust have been headline discussion topics in this arena, but

Want to Know if Your Data Function is Successful? Focus on the A:I Ratios Paid Members Public
While organisations around the world are publicly scrambling to understand how generative artificial intelligence will transform their business, in the background similar questions are being asked about how past investments in data capabilities have made an impact. Before there was the hype around Chief AI Officers, there were board discussions

Why Many Transformations Never Cross The Finish Line Paid Members Public
In recent years, many organisations have embarked on ambitious digital transformation programmes. Whether driven by a desire to promote agility, increase profitability, or harness AI, in practice these initiatives often do not move as quickly or yield the benefits expected. While various reasons underlie this, one overarching principle tends to

What the Friendliest Animal in the World Teaches Us About Data Governance Paid Members Public
The capybara is a large South American rodent which has developed an unexpected reputation as the world's friendliest animal. Yet perhaps more surprising is that for hundreds of years it has also been classified as a fish. The story behind this is not only seasonally appropriate, but it

Want to Scale GenAI? Start with Five Type of Ownership Paid Members Public
It seems that GenAI has replaced the weather as people's favourite conversation starter. Almost every organisation is grappling with what the rapidly evolving capabilities of generative models can do for them. Many of them have run hackathons or launched pilot programs as a means of getting started with

Five Years In: How The Data & AI Landscape Changed Paid Members Public
Five years ago, I started this blog with the aim of sharing leadership lessons I learned on my data, analytics, and AI journey. Reflecting on the past 101 posts, what strikes me is how much the landscape has changed in certain areas, and how little it has in others. What