Digital Transformation

Why Many Transformations Never Cross The Finish Line Paid Members Public
In recent years, many organisations have embarked on ambitious digital transformation programmes. Whether driven by a desire to promote agility, increase profitability, or harness AI, in practice these initiatives often do not move as quickly or yield the benefits expected. While various reasons underlie this, one overarching principle tends to

There Is No Transformation Without Our Better Angels Paid Members Public
It is a truism that the biggest blocker to digital transformation is culture. Leaders repeatedly call out culture-related challenges in research and surveys. On the one hand, the root causes and remedies are well understood by now. On the other hand, why does addressing these not guarantee a positive outcome?

Digital Leaders Need to Maintain a Sense of Urgency Paid Members Public
The thing about hard things is that we tend to get used to them. While this is one of our great strengths as humans — consider our ability to overcome loss — it can be detrimental when this trait causes us to disengage with important topics. Sustained pressure or urgency can cause

Why Principle-Centered Leadership Matters Now Paid Members Public
Although the second half of 2022 has not been as volatile as many feared, it is clear that the economic climate will not be as clement in the months to come. With the IMF warning that a third of the world’s economies will find themselves in a recession this

Do Not Confuse Limited Resources & Bad Leadership Paid Members Public
Airports. Few places share its ability to make or break your holiday experience. Anyone who doubted this will have been rudely disabused of that notion during the travel chaos last summer. Given I am the glass-half-full type, suffering through Miami airport at least provided me with inspiration for this post.

What a Road Trip by EV Taught Me About Digital Transformation Paid Members Public
This July, my wife and I attended a wedding in rural Sweden. Instead of the direct route from Stockholm to the venue, we decided to turn this into a week-long road trip covering almost 3000 km, by EV! From Stockholm to Åre, through to Kristiansund and down the coast past

Data-driven Commercial Leadership: One Year In Paid Members Public
While I find it hard to believe, I am now more than a year into my Chief Ecommerce Officer role! As they say, time flies when you are having fun, or at least when you have ambitious top-line targets to hit. At the same time, when I consider how much

2022: Focus and Modularity as the Antidote for Volatility Paid Members Public
Nearly two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, we were supposed to have things figured out. How to roll out vaccines, how to return to the office, how to adapt our business models. Yet from new virus variants and inconsistent policy responses to looming market volatility, it does seem like those