On Leadership Teams, Feedback, and Coaching Paid Members Public
Many executive teams do not perform anywhere near as well as they could. In particular, while all the members might be individually competent, they fail to become more than the sum of their parts – they are stuck in Tuckman's forming stage. Ideally, a CFO is not just a

Do Not Confuse Limited Resources & Bad Leadership Paid Members Public
Airports. Few places share its ability to make or break your holiday experience. Anyone who doubted this will have been rudely disabused of that notion during the travel chaos last summer. Given I am the glass-half-full type, suffering through Miami airport at least provided me with inspiration for this post.

What a Road Trip by EV Taught Me About Digital Transformation Paid Members Public
This July, my wife and I attended a wedding in rural Sweden. Instead of the direct route from Stockholm to the venue, we decided to turn this into a week-long road trip covering almost 3000 km, by EV! From Stockholm to Åre, through to Kristiansund and down the coast past

Ecommerce No Longer Means Easy Money Paid Members Public
The last two years have seen a significant focus on building ecommerce capabilities, particularly in retail. Firstly, COVID-imposed lockdowns left it one of few viable channels to exploit. Secondly, consumers exposed to the convenience of ecommerce expected continuation of service once lockdowns eased. Finally, as more organisation launched their ecommerce

Subjectivity vs. Scale: An Ecommerce Challenge Paid Members Public
Everyone likes to feel special. Growing up we are even told we are unique. While this mantra can be a great way to build self-esteem, it can be counterproductive when building an ecommerce business. It can lead you to believe that everything needs to be bespoke or customised, for fear

Data-driven Commercial Leadership: One Year In Paid Members Public
While I find it hard to believe, I am now more than a year into my Chief Ecommerce Officer role! As they say, time flies when you are having fun, or at least when you have ambitious top-line targets to hit. At the same time, when I consider how much

Arguing about Revenue Again? Welcome to the Output Trap Paid Members Public
If you are someone who is interested in data, lucky you! You live in a wonderful time; a time when wondering about hourly reporting and statistical significance no longer makes you a target for sitcom ridicule [https://qstar.ai/the-one-where-friends-least-popular-character-ended-up-with-the-sexiest-job-of-the-21st-century/] . While not all data and tools have been democratised, at

Five Things to Do Differently to Win Ecommerce in the Long Run Paid Members Public
This is an abridged version of the keynote I gave at LEAP 2022 [https://www.onegiantleap.com/en/home.html] in Riyadh. Organisations find themselves in a rapidly evolving environment. Geopolitical disruption notwithstanding, in a market like Saudi Arabia a combination of rapid economic liberalisation, ambitious government megaprojects, and long-awaited