Bias, Diversity, and Profitability Paid Members Public
The first history lesson I ever had in secondary school featured two hours on bias. At the time, I found this a frustrating experience. Why sit here talking about the importance of different perspectives when there are so many exciting Roman battles to revisit! I still remember the teacher’s
Starting With The Right Question Paid Members Public
Writers like to talk about the tyranny of the blank page. Despite the volume of ideas they might have and dictionaries of words at their disposal, putting pen to paper can be insurmountably challenging. Analytics can engender a similar sentiment in businesses. There are all these data, all these tools
Six Lessons I Learned Finishing A PhD Paid Members Public
Wrapping up a life sciences PhD is no joke; it commits you to an all-or-nothing minimum four years with little income and tough hours in the lab. When you’re deep in the middle of a PhD program, it can be hard to appreciate the transferable skills and experience you’
Navigating Data & Analytics Technologies Paid Members Public
During the Age of Discovery, explorers set out to find new lands and establish new trade routes for their countries. Facing terrible storms and fatal scurvy, perhaps the greatest danger came from the lack of reliable maps. Knowing how to return home safely was no trivial matter. With limited knowledge
Analytics Value Chain: Data to Action Paid Members Public
Do not let your data lake become a data swamp! This timely warning has been heard frequently over the past years as companies have invested heavily in novel ways of capturing and collating data. While it might feel like one buzzword accosting another, it cannot be denied that some organisations
Why You Should Care About Analytics Paid Members Public
I say analytics! You say exciting! My straw poll suggests perhaps not. While some reading this will work in the data industry, or share my passion for the subject, many will not. Despite this, I am convinced that you should care, and champion your respective organisations’ analytics capabilities. Why is
Mission Over Task Paid Members Public
Project management principles are well defined [] , and analytics initiatives tend to lend themselves well to these given the amount of development required. However, one of the pitfalls is that people can confuse structure with solution. In other words, believing that completing tasks according to a
Have Data, Want Impact Paid Members Public
Organisations and individuals alike are realising that data — their data — has value. While data literacy has a long way to go, this is an important first step. Judicious use of analytics can have a significant positive impact on individuals’ lives: think of better energy management, increased financial security, and improved