Artificial Intelligence

Where Data Democratisation Failed, AI Might Succeed Members Public

In this age of constant innovation, many of us will have experienced the rollout of new platforms or processes as part of our jobs. The pitch is usually something along the lines of "... and with this tool, you will now be able to do [insert task] faster and with

Ryan den Rooijen
Ryan den Rooijen
Artificial Intelligence

Will Generative AI Transform Our World? Not So Fast Members Public

Over the past few months, everyone ranging from investors and journalists to executives and increasingly consumers have found their attention drawn to the latest generation of large language models (LLMs). Among these, OpenAI's GPT has emerged as the most prominent. This fascination is largely attributable to these models&

Ryan den Rooijen
Ryan den Rooijen
Artificial Intelligence

Failure Formula: Lessons to Learn From 2020 A Levels Members Public

The GCE Advanced Level qualifications, or A Levels [], are the most important school leaving qualification in the British school system. They are a critical determinant of whether a student will be accepted by their chosen University. Usually hundreds of thousands

Ryan den Rooijen
Ryan den Rooijen
Artificial Intelligence

How Did Enterprise Data Science & AI Fare in 2019? Members Public

This is the time of year where many of us find ourselves reflecting on our performance. Did we stick with those New Year's resolutions, or not? Did we achieve what we wanted to achieve, or not? Similarly, let us consider how data science and AI fared in the

Ryan den Rooijen
Ryan den Rooijen
Artificial Intelligence

When Not to Use Analytics Members Public

In my fifty weekly posts so far this year, almost every single one has advocated for the application of analytics and artificial intelligence (AI). While this is often the most sensible course of action, it is just as important to consider when not to use data. As they say: if

Ryan den Rooijen
Ryan den Rooijen
Artificial Intelligence

How to Convince Your Management to Take Analytics & AI Seriously Members Public

As demonstrated by the global demand for talent, most organisations have now woken up to the importance and potential impact of data, analytics, and AI. Yet discussions with employees across for-profit, non-profit, and governmental organisations have exposed an interesting paradox. Even in those cases where their executive teams have decided

Ryan den Rooijen
Ryan den Rooijen
Artificial Intelligence

Back to School: Three Things I Learned From a Machine Learning Nanodegree Members Public

At work I spend a lot of time thinking about machine learning (ML), both in terms of how to apply it and the practicalities of enabling an organisation to do so. Occasionally I even stand on stage and talk about the subject at conferences, lamenting the fact that deep learning

Ryan den Rooijen
Ryan den Rooijen
Artificial Intelligence

If You Are Serious About AI, You Had Better Get Serious About Data Quality Members Public

Ah, data quality. Almost as unpopular a cocktail party topic as data governance. Yet like that walking punchline Chandler Bing [] , data quality is about to enter its defining decade. It will most certainly have the last laugh. This is because you cannot build AI products that

Ryan den Rooijen
Ryan den Rooijen
Artificial Intelligence