Ask and You Shall Receive - Dealing With Hard Facts Members Public

In a quote frequently misattributed to W. Edwards Deming, one of the fathers of process improvement, ‘In God we trust. All others must bring data.’. But what if someone brings data and we don’t like what the data tells us? Dealing with the results of analysis when it doesn’

Colm O'Grada
Colm O'Grada

If You Are Serious About AI, You Had Better Get Serious About Data Quality Members Public

Ah, data quality. Almost as unpopular a cocktail party topic as data governance. Yet like that walking punchline Chandler Bing [] , data quality is about to enter its defining decade. It will most certainly have the last laugh. This is because you cannot build AI products that

Ryan den Rooijen
Ryan den Rooijen
Artificial Intelligence

Steering The Culture Ship Members Public

I was in Tokyo a few years ago on business and grabbed a beer with a former colleague of mine. He had moved to Japan from the UK a few months previously and was settling into this new environment. I was curious to learn more about the business culture differences,

Colm O'Grada
Colm O'Grada

Do Your Metrics Matter to People? From Budget to Behavioural Metrics Members Public

Another quarter, another review. Your organisation is worried advertising costs are rising. Spend is up significantly on video ads and worse, so is their cost per view (CPV). What is driving this? Seems like the competition have stepped up their advertising efforts, pushing your ad auction CPV closer to your

Ryan den Rooijen
Ryan den Rooijen
Ecommerce & Omnichannel

The Trap of Complex & Easy Instead of Simple & Difficult Members Public

Have you ever tried to build a strategy around a difficult topic and found yourself overwhelmed by the decisions in front of you? Perhaps it seemed like there was no way forward without either causing pain, dropping something important, or backtracking on previous gains you had made. Did any complex

Ryan den Rooijen Colm O'Grada
Digital Transformation

Putting the AI in LemonAIde: Practical Applications of Artificial Intelligence Members Public

Though you might not have realised it if you live in England, summer is here. Once upon a time, this meant kids would take to the sidewalks to hawk their non-alcoholic beverages. Other than providing their pint-size proprietors with supplementary income, lemonade stands are a helpful microcosm when considering the

Ryan den Rooijen
Ryan den Rooijen
Artificial Intelligence

Is Your Work Resulting in Better Decisions? How You Can Make Sure Members Public

Earlier this year we reflected on how important it is in analytics to start with the right question [] and to choose the right metrics for your organisation []. Say you have indeed done so and have worked your way up the analytics value

Ryan den Rooijen
Ryan den Rooijen
Data & Analytics

Personal Development Plans: This Time... It's Personal Members Public

As anyone working in data and analytics will be aware, most roles face a shortage of qualified candidates. Ensuring your organisation has a strong talent development framework is therefore critical not just in attracting and retaining employees, but also to building the required skills internally. One of the more effective

Ryan den Rooijen
Ryan den Rooijen
People & Culture