The Data Leader's Dilemma Members Public

There is a misconception that people working in the field of Data, Analytics, and AI are academic types. This conjures up images of rarified enclaves of computer science minds, debating how to design the optimal model to crack some arbitrary performance benchmark. While it is true that data scientists can

Ryan den Rooijen
Ryan den Rooijen
Digital Transformation

Recruiting a New Team? Go For Diversity, In Every Way Members Public

When defining their key performance indicators (KPIs), organisations are increasingly incorporating metrics around diversity and inclusion. While this is a laudable effort given historical inequities, it also makes a lot of business sense. Study [] after [

Ryan den Rooijen
Ryan den Rooijen
People & Culture

What Makes A Good Data Leader? Members Public

This is not an article about how to be a good leader; there are many great examples and perspectives on that broader topic elsewhere. This is an article outlining what I believe are the qualities that make a good data leader; both good for their team and good for their

Colm O'Grada
Colm O'Grada

Care About Data Quality? Then Prepare to Let It Go Members Public

Ah, data quality: almost as popular a topic as tax returns. While people will gladly converse about the weather at company events, try to bring up data quality more than once and you can find yourself struck off the guest list. Yet data quality is critical. Organisations need to avoid

Ryan den Rooijen
Ryan den Rooijen
Data & Analytics

Lessons 2020 Taught Us About Data and Analytics Members Public

The paradox of the difficult periods of our lives is that while we are keen to bid them farewell and forget them, they are often sources for some of the richest lessons. In that regard, 2020's pandemic was no different. Whether it relates to the depth of personal

Ryan den Rooijen
Ryan den Rooijen
Data & Analytics

Why You Should Champion Psychological Safety Today Members Public

When I joined my current employer, one of my first priorities was to identify and understand how I could support any psychological safety initiatives in the organisation. Since then, I have had multiple people comment on how nice it was of me to volunteer my time. Little do they know

Ryan den Rooijen
Ryan den Rooijen
People & Culture

Introducing the API Team: Assets, Products, Impact Members Public

I am frequently asked how our data, analytics, and AI team at Chalhoub [] is organised. While data leaders generally agree on roles such as data engineers or data analysts, what their teams' structure and operating model should look like is less clear. Do you stick

Ryan den Rooijen
Ryan den Rooijen
Data & Analytics

Surrogation and the Myth of Social Media Satisfaction Members Public

If there are two activities that have spiked during the Covid-19 epidemic they are digital advertising and social media. It is interesting to note that in theory these are two great antidotes against lockdown malaise. Digital advertising to help companies reach their customers despite distancing and social media to facilitate

Ryan den Rooijen
Ryan den Rooijen
Digital Transformation